Wednesday, June 19, 2019

These Are A Few of My Favorite Things

Announcement: Since my husband has been begging for pizza, we have decided to do a pizza cook off tomorrow. We have three different healthier pizza crusts (no cauliflower because I want to still have a marriage after this cook off), pesto and olive oil, and various toppings that can be included all topped with fat free mozzarella for me and skim milk mozzarella for him. Tune in to see recipes, pictures, and what we thought!

In my first blog post, I talked about some of the foods that I eat. The next step I do I make all of these random foods into meals?! For the first couple of weeks, I ate some seriously weird meals. I sipped bone broth while eating egg whites. I ate an apple while eating egg whites. I ate a handful of almonds with some egg whites on the side....there were a lot of egg whites people. And, for a while, it worked. My pain was gone, and I was losing weight. But, it wasn't sustainable. I needed to figure out how to take these random foods and make them into a lifestyle.

So, if you are in the same position I was in, I have good news! I'm posting some of my favorite healthy meals that have been approved by my whole family. Being approved by a toddler and a male who only loves meat and potatoes is pretty much the whole spectrum.

*eggs-For my eggs, I use only egg whites. If you are not into the egg white scene, I mix one whole egg with 3 tbs of egg white substitute for Ben's eggs. You get the flavor of the yolk and cut out fat. 

*hash brown potatoes-I buy frozen hash brown potatoes because I'm normally cooking breakfast at 4 am on weekdays and I shouldn't be trusted cutting potatoes with a knife at this time of day. I can't have peppers and onions, but Ben can so his are the potatoes o' brien. I use non stick cooking spray and cook them in a pan over the stove with salt and pepper. 

*turkey bacon- There are so many kinds, but we found Applegate and love it! It has no fat but tastes better than other turkey bacon that has fat in it. It's already cooked so you just brown in in a pan over the stove (once again only using non stick cooking spray)

*pancakes- I absolutely Kodiak pancakes! They have very little fat and have a lot of protein. I bake mine at 425 degrees to reduce the fat of cooking it on the stove in oil/butter. Ben is not a fan so I use Hungry Jack for his pancakes and cook them over the stove. I only use non stick cooking spray, and we finish them with a little real maple syrup ( a little goes a long way. To save on syrup, you can also dip your pancake in the syrup instead of pouring it over).

*breakfast sandwich- I like having an English muffin with some egg whites to make a breakfast sandwich. I normally use cinnamon raisin English muffins. You can also add a slice of turkey breast or ham from the deli.

Lunch and Dinner:
*parmesan chicken/fish- 🎶 "Chicken parm you taste so good" 🎶 (Yep, that's a Payton Manning reference) Dip chicken tenderloins or fish (pay attention to what type of fish. Some are high in fat) in a mixture of fat free milk and egg whites. On the side, I make a mixture of parmesan cheese, garlic powder, and Tony's (or whatever seasoning you like). I then dip the milk dipped chicken/fish in the parmesan cheese mixture. I lightly coat it on both sides and then cook it in a pan on the stove using only nonstick cooking spray or in the oven. If on the stove, brown both sides, and then add a little water to continue cooking it until done. If on the stove, follow the directions for the temp and time for the type of fish or for chicken breast. This is Ben's current favorite meal.

*fajitas- This one is pretty basic. I cook chicken breast, onions, and peppers in a pan with non stick cooking spray and fajita seasonings. The difference for us has been the tortilla. We use to eat it with flour tortillas. A quick switch to white corn tortillas saves calories and fat. I like to heat the tortillas in a pan on the stove guessed it...non stick cooking spray. Ben was amazed at how much he could eat for less than 300 calories and about 4 grams of fat.

*red beans and rice- I'm a Cajun through and through and need my red bean fix. I'm actually cooking a huge pot of red beans  for tonight. For mine, I just cook red beans from scratch on the stove and add salt. For Ben and Zander's, I'm adding a pound of extra lean group turkey and some Butterball turkey sausage. Even though it is turkey sausage, the sodium and fat add up. So, be careful with how much you add. A little goes a long way. You can add rice when serving, but I no longer add rice to mine because I have gotten use to not having as much rice.

*burrito bowls- Another family favorite! I love that each member can customize it. I put out a little buffet of cooked chicken breast, rice with a little cilantro, black beans, pinto beans, lettuce, fat free cheddar, and fat free sour cream. I normally only use a little rice, about 1/4 cup or less, and make sure I focus on beans and chicken breast to get some healthy protein.

....and now....the update you have all been waiting for. Ben decided to do a 30 day challenge to eat healthy with me. I've gotta admit, the first day was rough. He was hungry, cranky, and had decided that I was starving him. There were flashbacks to my own behavior six months ago. Day 2 was so much better as he realized his body was already starting to feel better. His joints that usually hurt were no longer hurting. He has completely surprised me with his dedication, and has already made plans for his cheat meal after the 30 days. The surprise was when he said it would be a cheat meal and then he was going right back to the healthy eating. This has become his new lifestyle since seeing the changes in his body already. We went to the grocery store this weekend, and my husband actually checked the nutrition labels! I never thought I would hear,"Wow, that's a lot of fat" or "Did you see how much sodium is in this?" from Ben. His favorite breakfast bowl had 33 grams of fat. His beloved sub had 28 grams of fat. He summed it up pretty well the other day when he said that most people want to eat healthy, but they don't have the tools or know what they are looking for when they look at nutrition labels. I thought I was taking the summer off from teaching, but these lessons are some of my favorites because I know that I'm investing in my family's healthy future. As of Saturday, he was down ten pounds in less than a week and loving his new meals. Don't get me wrong, there are still many pizza cravings, but it's a process, he hasn't given in once, and I couldn't be prouder of him.

This picture is from 2011. It has been my goal picture, my dream. I've saved it on my phone, printed it as motivation, showed it to everyone who would look hoping that it would motivate me. I was only this weight for a couple of weeks before gaining some of the weight back and eventually gaining so much more than I ever thought possible. I saw this picture this morning and realized I'm the same weight I was in this picture. It's not a goal or dream anymore. It's my current reality and it is my past because this girl has got some new goals!

1 comment:

Healthy Vegetable Fried Rice

  W e are on an adventure! I'm trying out new recipes for my family. Up for tonight.... healthier vegetable fried rice. Ingredients Used...